Our network of allies and partners consists of more than 15 very experienced, independent, boutique consulting, creative and implementation companies from Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy and the Netherlands.
All partners bring their highly specialized, vertical expertise to our network of experts. At the same time, they are multi-experienced advisors, supporting leaders and creative implementers. This broadband horizontal experience makes our network truly outstanding.
After a first, initial meeting and a clear task definition, we involve all selected heads into the individual consulting,
customized process development, project design and subsequent implementation of any of your transformation aims.
The specific project design and management always lies with the pre-defined client-servicing and leading partner.
For clients and partners all processes and payments are clearly regulated and documented as transparent as possible.
For reasons of confidentiality and data protection, selected professional references and specific project cases
can only be shown, documented or made available directly by the respective project executing network partners.
Basel – Lugano – Milano – Munich – Vienna – Zurich